Amboró National Park

Travel information

The Amboró National Park is located in the western part of the city of Santa Cruz, in the sub-Andean belt of the Eastern range of the Andes. It is limited from the north to the south by the two roads that unite Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. The Amboró is located in nine municipalities as: Torno, Samaipata, Mairana, Pampa Grande, Comarapa, Buena Vista, Porongo, San Carlos and Yapacaní.

It estimates that Amboró Park could count between 4,000 to 5,000 species of plants, however, because practically no studies carried out inside the protected area, there are about 3000 species registered.

Regarding the diversity of fauna, 289 species of daytime butterflies were registered in the invertebrate group, making Amboró NP-IMNA , which until now is the most diverse in the country, it is also estimated that there is a high diversity of beetles, Bees orchids, horseflies, spiders, scorpions, myriapods, among others.

In relation to fish, there are at least 150 species of fish, most of them Rivers. Among the most common species are the shad (Prochilodus labeo), the Surubí (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) and pacu (Piaractus brachypomus).

Regarding the herpetofauna, the park has the greatest wealth of a protected area of the country, with 127 known reptile species that correspond to 50% of species known to the country (216 species). Among the species that stand out are the Cayman animal (Caiman yacare) and the boa (Boa constrictor). Amphibians include 97 species and many unidentified forms, probably with a high degree of endemism.

Up to now, 802 species of birds we know in Amboró Park, it represent 60% of those registered in the country and make the park the most diverse protected area on the planet documented so far. Among the species survivors are forelock kettle of stone (Pauxi unicornis), the military parrot (Ara militaris), the Parrot with Red Front (Ara rubrogenys), the Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) and other endemic bird species. 

Finally, there finds the group of mammals, with 136 documented species. The best-represented groups are bats, rodents, carnivores, marsupials and primates. The mammals that stand out most are jucumari or spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), jaguar (Panthera onca), bear anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), among others.

Management Category: National Park and Integrated Management Natural Area.

Extent: It has an area of 442,500 ha.

Location: Located in the sub-Andean belt of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, in the "Elbow of the Andes". It covers four provinces in the department of Santa Cruz, in municipioes of El Torno, Porongo, Samaipata, Mairana and Pampa Grande, Comarapa, Buena Vista, San Carlos and Yapacaní.

Biogeographic subregions, altitudinal and weather: The area is located in the "Elbow of the Andes" or sub-Andean region of Santa Cruz Department, where the range changes course southwards. The region is typically mountainous with steep slopes and whips level differences. The altitudinal range varies between 3,300 and 300 meters and the climate is temperate in the highlands and warm in the lower zones.

Vegetation and flora: In the Amboró Park are registered 2659 species of higher plants, but it is estimated that there are more than 3,500. Among the species of flora can be mentioned: the limachu (Myrsine coriacea), the khellu kheluu (Bocona frutescens), the cebillo (Myrica pubescens), the bibosi (Ficus sp.), The grape amabaiba (Pourouma sp.), The pacay (Inga velutina), the guitar (Didymopanax morototoni), red clover (Palicourea bryophila), mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), the mountain pine (Podocarpus sp.), walnut (Juglans Bolivia), the cannelloni (Aniba coto) . It is of great significance for the presence of extensive patches of giant tree ferns (Cyathea sp., Alsiphila sp.) in the cloud forests. In addition are the pachiuva (Scrotea exorrhiza), acai (Euterpe precatoria) and several species of endemic orchids.

Wildlife: The richness of birds species described for Amboró Park exceeds 840, more than 60% of the total for Bolivia. This number is greater than the wealth of birds of many of the countries of the globe, as well as a wide variety of mammals and reptiles. The richness of reptiles is represented by 105 species, there has also been recorded 109 species of fish. For amphibians, 76 species have been identified and recorded more than 127 species of mammals, among which there are 43 species of bats. As for the fauna, are recorded over 1,200 species, there is a great diversity of mammal species, the spectacled bear or (Tremarctos ornatus), jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Felis concolor), ocelot (Felis pardalis), other cats (Felis yagoaroundi, wiedii Felis, Felis geoffroyi, Felis tigrina), the bear flag (Myrmecophaga tridáctila), giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), spider monkey (Ateles paniscus), otters (Lutra longicaudis) , the tapir (Tapirus terrestris), deer (Mazama americana, Mazama gouazoubira).

Local People: The area of direct influence of the Amboró Park, includes an approximate area of 10578.55 km2, covering the space between the two highways linking the cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, which in this case are the Northern limits and South East towns of San Carlos, Buena Vista and Huaytú, west Cochabamba Departmental limit which in turn flows into the Carrasco National Park boundary. Amboro south park, the tourist population is closer to Samaipata, that is located in the Andean foothills at 1,670 meters above sea level, about 2.5 hours from the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, its aproximadamete population is of 4000 people.

Tourism: Amboró Park has a great beauty by the mountainous terrain, deep canyons and valleys, rushing rivers and waterfalls. It is characterized by a great diversity of mountain ecosystems wet. In the south outer buffer zone are the archaeological ruins of Samaipata (Fort Samaipata) and pictographs of Tunal and surrounding the area are picturesque towns as Samaipata, Comarapa and Buena Vista. There is a wide range of places and tourist services, such as: Siberia (unique cloud forest floristic diversity and ideal for bird watching), The Waterfall Mucuñucú of 40 mts. high, Ichilo drawers, Saguayo (where you can see a variety of animals, birds and orchids), The Chonta (ideal for bird watching), The Yunga Mairana or "giant fern forest" Mataracú, Laguna Verde, Villa Amboró, Garden of Delights, Volcanoes, of great beauty and promoted by local communities.

How to get to Amboró Park: The park is surrounded by the south and north by two major highways, both joining the cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Of these pathways emerge several secondary roads that allow an income without much difficulty to the Park. In the north, the main access is by Buena Vista, Santa Fe or Yapacaní, along the new road Cochabamba - Santa Cruz, and you can also access by multiple paths gauge (Espejitos, Saguayo, peach Macuñucu) and Yapacaní riiver during the rainy season. In the South Zone may be entering several villages along the old road Cochabamba - Santa Cruz (El Torno, Samaipata, Mairana, Pampa Grande, Mataral and Comarapa). There are public transport departures from Santa Cruz to the town of Samaipata, where there are a variety of transportation options to the southern part of Amboró Park.


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Amboró National Park

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